Cost: £50.00
Start Time 9 am finishes at 12.30 pmCourse outcomes meet the UK Core Skills and Training Framework guidelines.
This face-to-face (refresher) training course covers practical and theory-based elements of Manual Handling & Moving of People & Inanimate Objects. You will learn how to demonstrate safe handling techniques, how to use a patient hoist and the principles of human movement.
Please Note
This Refresher training course Updates health professionals’ skills and broadens their knowledge of new legislation within the healthcare industry
Course Content
• Spinal mechanics and function
• Importance of back care and posture, risk factors for back pain
• Current relevant legislation and professional guidelines where relevant
• Safe management of inanimate loads
• Handling strategies for clients with impaired mobility
• Dealing with unpredictable occurrences
• Use of equipment
• Assessment of risks addressing: - tasks (including unexpected) - the limits of individuals' capability (their own and that of others) - loads (both inanimate and human) - environment and the importance of good housekeeping
• Importance of ergonomic approach
• Principles of normal human movement and promotion of client independence
Practical Skills Demonstrated and/or Discussed:
• Moving the client forward in a chair.
• Moving the client back in a chair.
• Sitting to standing from a chair.
• Sitting to standing from the edge of a bed.
• Standing to sitting on a chair,
• Assisted walking.
• The falling patient.
• Assisting a patient up from the floor (without a hoist).
• Turning in bed
• Fitting and removing slide sheets
• Sliding the client up/down the bed
• Standing transfer
• Transfer from chair to chair/commode
• Fitting a sling with a client in bed
• Fitting sling using slide sheets
• Fitting a sling with a client in a chair.
• Hoisting from bed to chair Hoisting from chair to bed
• Hoisting the client from the floor
Learning Outcomes
Define the term ‘Manual Handling.
To raise awareness of the causative factors and types of musculoskeletal injuries (particularly back injuries), and how such an injury can affect the individual, the employer and society.
To provide basic information relating to the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries.
To provide an awareness of current Health and Safety legislation related to manual handling and its implementation in the workplace.
To introduce the subject of ergonomics and risk assessment.
The Importance of good communication in Safer Handling
Discuss unsafe practices and identify the rationale behind these
To Demonstrate Safe Handling Techniques
Course meets the requirements of:
• National Occupational Standards:
• Dimension: SS13 Move and transport patients within the work area
• Dimenson: PROHSS1 (C) Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
• KSF Framework:
• Dimension: EF3 Transport and Logistics
• Core Dimension Level 1 Health, Safety & Security - Assist in maintaining own and others’ health, safety and security.
This course will take approximately 3.5 hours to complete.