
NHS Nurse Online Training Package
Cost: £30.00
Introducing our comprehensive Online Training package, featuring 52 modules designed to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Explore a wide range of topics, including:

1. Anaphylaxis Awareness
2. Mental Health, Dementia & Learning Disability Awareness
3. Blood Components Transfusions & IVS
4. Effective Communication
5. Complaint Handling
6. Consent Procedures
7. Covid Awareness
8. Adult Basic Life Support (Levels 1 & 2) and Immediate Life Support (Level 3)
9. Safeguarding Adults (Levels 3 & 4)
10. Safeguarding Adults (Levels 1 & 2) - Adult Support & Protection
11. Safeguarding Children (Levels 1 & 2)
12. Safeguarding Children (Level 3)
13. The Safe Handling & Administration of Medication
14. Person-Centred Care
15. Healthcare Career Development for Clinical/Care Staff
16. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
17. Counter Fraud Awareness
18. Cybersecurity and Information Security
19. Dignity and Privacy
20. Documentation and Record-Keeping
21. Drug Calculation - Numeracy Skills Test for Nurses
22. Duty of Care
23. Equality & Diversity
24. Fire Safety
25. Fluid Balance and Vital Signs
26. Food Hygiene & Safety
27. Handling Information & Information Governance (GDPR)
28. Health & Safety
29. Immediate Life Support (ILS) - Online Module
30. Infection Prevention and Control (Levels 1 & 2) including COVID
31. Literacy Skills Test
32. Lone Worker Safety
33. Manual Handling & Moving of People & Inanimate Objects (Levels 1 & 2)
34. Mental Capacity Act
35. Extended Mental Health Training
37. Nutrition and Fluids
38. Preventing Radicalisation (Levels 1 & 2)
39. PSTS/Conflict Management Online Training Module
41. Risk Assessment
42. Seizures & Epilepsy
43. Self-Harm Awareness
44. SEPSIS Awareness
45. Suicide Awareness Online Training Module
47. The Use of Ligature Knives
48. Tissue Viability Training
49. Paediatric Basic Life Support (PBLS) (Levels 1 & 2)
50. Paediatric Immediate Life Support (Level 3)
51. Falls Prevention Online Module
52. Buccal Midazolam

Expand your expertise and stay up-to-date with the latest industry knowledge through our comprehensive Online Training package.

If you require any more details on this course, please contact Train Healthcare directly on 0208 3266 704 or email

Refund Policy:
There is a no refund policy for candidates who do not attend booked face-to-face training or arrive late. If you miss your course, you are welcome to attend another course that is available but please note that you will have to pay the full amount. The trainer has the full right to refuse entry when candidates have missed key elements of the training so please plan your journey the day before. You can reschedule your training outside of 7 days before the training.
NHS Nurse Online Training Package Online
£30.00 Add to Cart