The safeguarding vulnerable training courses cover a wide range of topics relating to safeguarding adults (Level 3) within the healthcare industry, such as who may abuse, patterns of abuse and restraint. The course will take approximately two hours to complete, and at the end of the training there are a number of multiple choice questions based on the course content, which must be answered correctly to pass the course.
Train Healthcare are fully aligned with Skills For Health and have been awarded the Skills for Health ‘Quality Mark’ for our face to face and e-learning training courses.
All workers that work or have contact with Vulnerable Adults.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Training Course Content for:
Who is an adult at risk/vulnerable adult?
What is abuse?
Who may be at risk?
Categories of abuse
Indicators of abuse
Patterns of Abuse
Who may abuse
Where abuse may happen
Covert Medication
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Best Interests
Care Act
Referral Processes
Case Studies
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module candidates will:
Be able to recognise an adult that is vulnerable to being abused (an “adult at risk”).
Be able to identify evidence and indictors of abuse.
Be able to recognise factors that which may increase the risk of abuse.
Know how to report concerns about suspected/ alleged abuse.
Have an understanding of how to work in a manner that minimises the risk of abuse to vulnerable adults.
Have an awareness of the principles to determine capacity
Have an understanding of the legal context.
To understand Partnership working arrangements within part of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
To understand Trust and Multi-agency Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult policy and processes
To understand your role and responsibility as part of Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures
To understand prevention actions and how to recognise signs and indicators of possible vulnerable adult abuse
To understand actions to take in responding to a safeguarding vulnerable adult concern and immediate actions to take to Safeguard following Trust and Multi-agency safeguarding vulnerable adult policy and processes
To understand how the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards support safeguarding vulnerable adults
To learn from case examples
Online assessment