
CSTF - PSTS/Conflict Management online training module

Cost: £6.00

Welcome to our CSTF - PSTS/Conflict Management online training. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion. The course duration is approximately 1 hour and will earn you 1 CPD point. You have 6 months from the date of purchase to finish this training.

This module covers various topics related to CSTF - PSTS/Conflict Management online training module.

1. Introduction to Conflict Resolution:
• Definition of conflict and its impact on individuals and healthcare organizations.
• Importance of conflict resolution skills for healthcare professionals.
• Benefits of effective conflict resolution in improving patient care and team dynamics.

2. Understanding Types of Conflict:
• Identification and explanation of different types of conflicts encountered in healthcare settings (e.g., interpersonal, interdepartmental, patient-provider).
• Common causes and triggers of conflicts in healthcare.

3. Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution:
• Active listening techniques to understand the concerns and perspectives of others.
• Empathetic communication to establish rapport and build trust.
• Assertive communication methods to express needs and concerns effectively.
• Non-verbal communication cues and their impact on conflict resolution.

4. Strategies for Conflict Resolution:
• Collaborative problem-solving techniques to find mutually beneficial solutions.
• Negotiation skills to reach compromises and agreements.
• Mediation and facilitation techniques to assist in resolving conflicts between parties.
• Understanding power dynamics and their influence on conflict resolution.

5. Managing Emotions and Stress:
• Recognizing and managing personal emotions during conflict situations.
• Techniques for self-regulation and maintaining professionalism.
• Coping strategies to manage stress associated with conflict.

6. Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity:
• Importance of cultural sensitivity in conflict resolution.
• Understanding and respecting diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
• Strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution in multicultural healthcare environments.

7. Confidentiality and Ethical Considerations:
• Adhering to confidentiality requirements during conflict resolution.
• Respecting ethical guidelines and professional boundaries.
• Balancing patient rights and organizational obligations in conflict resolution.

8. Conflict Resolution in Team Settings:
• Strategies for addressing conflicts within healthcare teams.
• Promoting teamwork, collaboration, and open communication.
• Developing a culture of respect and constructive feedback.

9. De-escalation Techniques:
• Recognizing signs of escalating conflicts.
• De-escalation strategies to defuse tense situations.
• Ensuring personal and patient safety during conflict resolution.

The learning outcomes are.

1. Understanding the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment: Learners will recognize that creating a safe environment is essential for effective conflict resolution and fostering a positive work culture
2. Developing skills in emotional control and active listening: Learners will develop skills in managing their own emotions and actively listening to others, which are crucial for de-escalating tense situations and promoting effective communication.
3. Recognizing the value of involving a neutral third party: Learners will understand the benefits of involving a neutral third party, such as a supervisor or mediator, to ensure the safety and fairness of the conflict resolution process.
4. Implementing ground rules and non-threatening body language: Learners will learn how to establish ground rules that promote respect and non-violence during conflict resolution discussions. They will also understand the importance of using non-threatening body language to help defuse tension and create a sense of safety.
5. Familiarizing with emergency protocols and personal safety measures: Learners will become familiar with emergency protocols and procedures for handling situations that escalate beyond their control. They will also learn about personal safety measures, such as having a colleague present or contacting security, to ensure their safety during conflict resolution.
6. Enhancing documentation and reporting skills: Learners will develop skills in documenting conflict incidents, including aggressive or threatening behaviors, actions taken, and follow-up measures. This helps ensure accurate records and supports the prevention of future incidents.
7. Promoting support and resources for individuals involved in conflicts: Learners will understand the importance of offering support and resources, such as counseling services or employee assistance programs, to individuals involved in conflicts. They will recognize that providing access to support can help individuals cope and prevent further escalations.

We hope you find this module informative and beneficial for your professional development in CSTF - PSTS/Conflict Management online training module

If you need more information about this course, please contact Train Healthcare directly at 0208 3266 704 or email
Please note that refunds are not available for online training purchases.

Nursing and Midwife Council's (CPD Points).

It is necessary to complete 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points) of relevant CPD within the three-year period since your last registration renewal or since joining the register.
Of these 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points), a minimum of 20 hours (20 Nursing CPD Points), should be dedicated to participatory learning, which involves engaging in activities that facilitate interaction with other professionals.