CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Level 3 & 4
Cost: £6.00
Welcome to our CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Level 3 & 4 online training. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion. The course duration is approximately 1 hour and will earn you 1 CPD point. You have 6 months from the date of purchase to finish this training.This module covers various topics related to CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Level 3 & 4 online training module.
1. Understanding abuse and neglect:
• Identifying signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centred approach
• Recognizing adults experiencing abuse, harm, or neglect who have caring responsibilities for others
2. Forensic procedures and evidence:
• Understanding forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and relating them to practice
• Demonstrating the ability to undertake forensic procedures and present findings and evidence to legal requirements
3. Risk and harm assessment:
• Undertaking risk and/or harm assessments in safeguarding adults
• Identifying and managing uncertainty and risk in cases of suspected abuse, harm, or neglect
4. Effective communication:
• Communicating effectively with adults at risk, especially those with mental capacity issues, learning disabilities, or communication needs
5. Taking action to safeguard adults:
• Contributing to and making considered judgments on how to act to safeguard an adult at risk
• Contributing to the formulation and communication of effective care plans for adults who have experienced or may experience abuse, harm, or neglect
6. Inter-agency collaboration and information sharing:
o Contributing to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing relevant information
o Advising others on appropriate information sharing in safeguarding adults cases
7. Self-reflection and continuous improvement:
• Undertaking documented reviews of adult safeguarding practice, including through audit, case discussions, peer reviews, supervision, and refresher training
• Applying lessons learned from audit and serious case reviews to improve practice
8. Support and professional impact:
• Obtaining support and seeking help in situations requiring further expertise and experience in safeguarding
• Understanding the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals
9. Serious case reviews and multidisciplinary meetings:
• Appropriately contributing to serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes
• Participating in and chairing multidisciplinary meetings related to safeguarding adults
10. Safeguarding enquiry skills:
• Demonstrating the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry, including gathering information, conducting interviews, and making informed decisions.
The learning outcomes are.
1. Understanding the importance of self-reflection and continuous improvement in adult safeguarding practice.
2. Recognizing the value of documented reviews, audits, case discussions, peer reviews, supervision, and refresher training in enhancing safeguarding practice.
3. Appreciating the significance of applying lessons learned from audits and serious case reviews to improve safeguarding processes.
4. Understanding the role and importance of participating in serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes.
5. Recognizing the importance of participating in and chairing multidisciplinary meetings related to safeguarding adults.
6. Acquiring the skills required to participate effectively in a safeguarding enquiry, including gathering information, conducting interviews, and making informed decisions.
7. Developing communication skills necessary for engaging with individuals involved in safeguarding enquiries, including active listening, empathy, and clear communication.
8. Understanding the importance of accurate documentation and record-keeping in safeguarding enquiries.
9. Embracing a culture of continuous learning and improvement in safeguarding enquiry skills.
10. Recognizing the significance of maintaining objectivity, professionalism, and ethical guidelines throughout the safeguarding enquiry process.
We hope you find this module informative and beneficial for your professional development in CSTF. Safeguarding Adults Level 3 & 4 online training module.
If you need more information about this course, please contact Train Healthcare directly at 0208 3266 704 or email contact@trainhealthcare.com.
Please note that refunds are not available for online training purchases.
Nursing and Midwife Council's (CPD Points).
It is necessary to complete 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points) of relevant CPD within the three-year period since your last registration renewal or since joining the register.
Of these 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points), a minimum of 20 hours (20 Nursing CPD Points), should be dedicated to participatory learning, which involves engaging in activities that facilitate interaction with other professionals.