
NHS Agency Locums Doctors Package Online Training Package
Cost: £30.00
Includes 21 online courses:

• Blood Component Transfusion
• Counter Fraud
• Consent - Required
• Mental Capacity Act 2005
• Preventing Radicalisation
• Your Healthcare Career
• Basic Life Support

• Complaint Handling, Equality & Diversity
• Awareness of Mental Health
• Dementia & Learning Disability
• Food Hygiene & Safety
• PSTS/Conflict Management
• Fire Safety
• Health & Safety
• Handling Information & Information Governance
• Infection Prevention and Control
• Lone Worker
• Safeguarding Children Levels 1 & 2 & £
• Safeguarding Adults Level 1 & 2 & 3
• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
• Documentation & Record Keeping
• The Safe Handing & Administration Of Medication
• Manual Handling NEW

Successful completion and certification of this package allows
you to work as a Locum in any nursing agency and NHS Trust
within the UK.
NHS Agency Locums Doctors Package Online Training Package Online
£30.00 Add to Cart