
Work in a Person Centred Way

Cost: £6.00

Welcome to our Work in a Person Centred Way online Training. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion. The course duration is approximately 1 hour and will earn you 1 CPD point. You have 6 months from the date of purchase to finish this training.

This module covers various topics related to Work in a Person Centred Way online training module:

1. The background to person centred care
2. Promoting dignity
3. The Essential Care Standards
4. What is Person Centred Care
5. Values in Health and Social Care
6. Tools for Person Centred Care Planning
7. Making PCP a reality
8. Why use person centred care plans
9. Pain Management
10. Working with young persons
11. Relevance in Dementia Care
12. Capacity
13. Barriers to person centred care
14. Effects of the healthcare environment
15. Spirituality and HOPE
16. Person centred culture
17. Promoting Choice
18. Outcomes to PCP
19. Reporting Concerns and Whistleblowing

The learning outcomes are:
1. Candidates will be able to define what a person care plan is and how they can work in a person centred way in practice.
2. Candidates will be able to state the philosophies and principles that promote person centred care
3. Candidates will understand the importance and value of “knowing their patient” i.e. their history, preferences etc.
4. Candidates will be able to identify environmental factors that may affect patient centred care.
5. Candidates will understand the value and importance of patient inclusion, rights and the promoting of independence
6. Candidates will have an awareness of how to report concerns about patient care.

We hope you find this module informative and beneficial for your professional development in Work in a Person Centred Way online training module.

If you need more information about this course, please contact Train Healthcare directly at 0208 3266 704 or email
Please note that refunds are not available for online training purchases.

Nursing and Midwife Council's (CPD Points).

It is necessary to complete 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points) of relevant CPD within the three-year period since your last registration renewal or since joining the register.
Of these 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points), a minimum of 20 hours (20 Nursing CPD Points), should be dedicated to participatory learning, which involves engaging in activities that facilitate interaction with other professionals.