
Your Health Care Career Clinical/Care staff

Cost: £6.00

Welcome to our Your Health Care Career Clinical/Care staff online Training. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion. The course duration is approximately 1 hour and will earn you 1 CPD point. You have 6 months from the date of purchase to finish this training.

This module covers various topics related to Your Health Care Career Clinical/Care staff online training module:

1. What is a personal development plan?
2. How to structure a PDP
3. Assessing Strengths and Weakness
4. Goal Setting
5. SMART Objectives
6. What is positive and constructive feedback
7. How to monitor progress
8. How to measure performance
9. KSF Framework
10. What is reflective practice?
11. The importance of CPD

The learning outcomes are:

1.Identify the requirements of a work role, including the use of relevant standards.
2. Understand why it is important to work in ways that are agreed with their employer.
3. Be aware of the key responsibilities in employment and how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship.
4. Understand why it is important to work in teams and in partnership with others.
5. Understand why it is important to work in partnership with key people, advocates and others who are a significant to patients and service users

We hope you find this module informative and beneficial for your professional development in Your Health Care Career Clinical/Care staff online training module.

If you need more information about this course, please contact Train Healthcare directly at 0208 3266 704 or email
Please note that refunds are not available for online training purchases.

Nursing and Midwife Council's (CPD Points).

It is necessary to complete 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points) of relevant CPD within the three-year period since your last registration renewal or since joining the register.
Of these 35 hours (35 Nursing CPD Points), a minimum of 20 hours (20 Nursing CPD Points), should be dedicated to participatory learning, which involves engaging in activities that facilitate interaction with other professionals.