According to Allergy UK the UK is one of the top 3 countries in the world for the highest incident of allergy and costs hospitals an estimated £68million per annum in admissions from allergy related cases, with a further £900million being spent by primary care per annum. The UK has seen a 500% increase since 1999 in the number of admissions to hospitals due to food allergies. Which could soon become a thing of the past with the discovery of new research conducted by Canadian scientists who have developed a new treatment which could potentially ‘cure’ allergies.
Individuals who suffer from allergies such as peanuts or egg whites could have life changing treatment which is currently being tested on mice. Which have so far responded by reducing anaphylactic responses by up to 90% in one treatment.
The research is based on an immunotherapy technique, which is where dendritic cells are exposed to allergens to modify them via a test tube, they are then sent back to the patient and send a signal to reverse the hyper immune response seen in anaphylaxis.
The treatment could be available to patients within the next 5-10 years if tests continue to show signs of improvements. It is important all medical professionals are aware of signs of anaphylaxis, precautionary treatment and treatment of an anaphylactic reaction. For more information on anaphylaxis awareness you can take our online course via our website
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