KPMG are urging businesses to stay flexible in their approach to best practice for fear they will risk damaging talent management schemes by employing new approaches which are not appropriately tailored to the needs of their respective firms.
A recent study published by KPMG and the Economist Intelligence Unit revealed that fewer than 25 per cent of CEO’s and directors reportedly believe their HR department excels at ‘sourcing key talent’ or ‘preparing for a changing workforce’. Anna Marie Detert, KPMG’s UK Lead for Talent, presented ideas in a white paper entitled ‘Tune in to Talent’ and said some companies jump on the latest HR fad to the detriment of the company but should be standing back and asking questions as to how this could help their business in the future.
Detert commented: “All too often companies dive straight in, implementing the latest best practice recruitment, development or performance system or process. Instead, they need to stand back and ask some searching questions about what talent their particular business needs now and in the future.”
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