if you are unsure about whether our online courses are right for you, we have recently created a course sample for you to look at.
The sample from our stroke course gives learners a feel for how the material in our courses is presented, giving a taste of the visual and audio content used. Should you wish to purchase the full course, you can do in just a few clicks by visiting our course calendar page.
Learners can book both face to face and online courses on this page – the availability and locations for face-to-face courses are also displayed should you be interested in finding a suitable course near your town or city. Train Healthcare offers training in venues across the country, including London, Birmingham, Manchester and Oxford.
Online courses are increasingly popular around the world across a range of sectors – over 5.5million students in the US took online courses in 2012 alone according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. With the explosion in smartphones and tablets, expect that figure to rise and rise. Forrester Research recently predicted there would be sales of 375m tablets worldwide by 2016.
Daniel Burrus, CEO of Burrus Research Associates Inc – a US-based consultancy firm – says: “Within the next five years, we are going to be not just changing but transforming how we train and educate based on mobile.”
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